~Draegon Cursed Series~

“Have you heard of draegons?” The stranger asks as she moves around into view. Of course, I’ve heard of the mythical creatures. Everyone has grown up hearing tales of the bloodthirsty monsters that reside deep on the other side of the Barrier. The rumors range from ten-foot-tall beasts with horns to ones with wings that breathe fire. Each new tale is crazier than the next. But that’s all they are: rumors and tall tales. The only information that seems to be consistent is: Draegons are very rare. Magic users or Users hunt draegons to extract the vast power that the creatures possess. And most importantly, one bite from a draegon can kill.
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~Out of the Ashes~
We've all heard the story of the Phoenix - a legendary bird that would rise from the ashes and symbolized immortality, resurrection, and life after death. Get ready for a new story.